Gentlemen, ever wanted to have a staring contest with Spike Lee? Now you can, sort of, with the Flicker Spike Lee Candle (£75)! This vibrant yellow wax bust pays homage to the cinematic icon, boldly confronting your mantelpiece with its fearless storytelling… in silence.

The sunny hue reflects the energy of films like Do the Right Thing, so expect this candle to bring a dynamic statement to your space, even if that statement is “I’m a wax head.” Made from a soy and paraffin mix, it burns for a respectable 60 hours, giving you ample time to ponder social issues or just enjoy the lack of scent (it’s unscented, sadly no “New York City in Summer” aroma). Standing at 180mm tall, this £75 candle is the perfect gift for the film buff who has everything, including, apparently, a burning desire for a waxen Spike Lee. Just try not to get too emotional when you finally light his head on fire. It’s art, after all.