Gentlemen, do you find one shower a day simply… pedestrian? The Bravo Sierra Bergamot & Musk Bodywash ($25) is here for the truly dedicated cleanser. Formulated for all skin types (even yours, you magnificent showering machine), this gentle, coconut-derived concoction is so mild, you could probably bathe in it. Twice. Before lunch.

Its “bio-adaptive formula” is so clever, it apparently adjusts to your skin’s needs based on heat, humidity, or even if you’ve just wrestled a badger. Developed in the wilds of Arizona (presumably where they know a thing or two about needing a good scrub), this pH-balanced gel smells rather dashing, thanks to the bergamot and musk (formulated in New Jersey, for that authentic East Coast aroma). For a mere $25, you can smell fantastic, no matter how many showers you’ve squeezed in. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I feel a third one coming on.